
Age is Just a Number

Happy Thursday:) 

AGE IS JUST A NUMBER! If you are sicker the older you get doesn’t mean it’s because you are aging. It’s because of your resistance! If you are feeling like you are constantly having to fight the current then you are struggling with stress and stress will literally kill you! You’ll get all sorts of diseases that could seriously end your life too soon. 

QUIT FIGHTING AND FLOAT DOWNSTREAM! You will live a much happier and joyous and healthy life! 

Aren’t you and your family worth it? There are so many things that will cause contrast in your life. It’s ok! It’s there so you can send out rockets of desire towards what you do want! When you consistently think about those wants and desires it’ll gain momentum and turn into a belief and then you just need to be in alignment to allow it in. 

Don’t get bogged down with stupid stress! Maybe they got your order wrong at your favorite restaurant! Maybe that person cut you off in traffic! Maybe …. you fill in the blank. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff! Because that small stuff will pile up and pile up until you then have DIS-EASES!

If your to do list is huge and it’s getting bigger by the day and it’s overwhelming. This exercise works really good. Sit down with a piece of paper and write two columns: Across the top of each column write: MUST DO TODAY & WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE THE UNIVERSE TO HANDLE. This will help you know that it’s not all on your shoulders. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ASK!!! 

This will help ease the stressors from day to day and for goodness sakes don’t take things so seriously! You’ll live a peaceful joy-filled life into your 90s or above if you do! Trust me, I know some people that are thriving in their 90s and still live at home and get around like they are 30 years younger! I also know people in their 60s that let the contrast of life get in the way and they are either gone already or barely getting around! So now what do you think of Law of Attraction?